Henry Wolcott, Jr. of Windsor CT, 1610-1680,

2nd son of Henry Wolcott, of Windsor CT.

Revised March 2017

This information is intended for genealogical research purposes only and may not be used without permission, except that single copies may be printed for private use.  Questions and additions or corrections to this page may be sent to John Wolcott, ( johnwolcott at mail.com)

(1) Henry Wolcott; m. Elizabeth Saunders.

(2) Hon. Henry Wolcott. Jr., b. 1610 Tolland England, d. 1680 Windsor CT. He came to America with his parents 1630, freeman of Boston 1634, moved to Windsor CT 1636; farmer and merchant, had one of the largest apple orchards in CT, making 500 hogsheads of cider a year; one of the 19 patentees named in the CT Charter of 1662, member CT House of Deputies 1655, 1660, 1661, and House of Magistrates from 1662 until his death; in 1669 the Assembly voted him 300 acres of land for his services; member of the Governor's War Council 1675-6; heir to his father's property in England, he visited there in 1654, 1662, and 1671; m. Sarah Newberry 1641 Windsor CT.

(3) Hon. Henry Wolcott III, b. 1643 Windsor CT, d. 1710 Windsor CT.  He served as a "trooper" in Capt. S. Marshall's Co. during King Philip's War; elected to CT House of Deputies 1686,  was Assistant Constable and for many years Town Clerk of Windsor, on committee to settle boundaries of Windsor in 1710; inherited Wolcott lands in England; m. Abiah Goff 1664 Windsor CT.

(4) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1665 Windsor CT, d. 1734 Windsor CT.  She and her sister Sarah inherited from their father lands in Tolland, Lydiard St. Lawrence, and Wellington, in England. An unsuccessful legal dispute over the ownership of the Tolland lands was initiatedin 1713 by their Wolcott relatives, basing their claim on English laws of primogeniture. In 1740, her husband deeded the rents from these properties to her sons. In 1787, her grandson, Henry Allyn, sold the Tolland properties for 850L; m. Col. Matthew Allyn 1686 Windsor CT.

(4) Henry Wolcott IV, b. 1667 Windsor CT, d. y..

(4) Abiah Wolcott, b. 1669 Windsor CT, d. 1696 Windsor CT, unm..

(4) Sarah Wolcott, b., d. 1671 Windsor CT.

(4) Henry Wolcott IV, b. 1673 Windsor CT, d. 1697, Windsor CT unm..

(4) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1676 Windsor CT, d. 1698 Stratford CT; co-heiress to Wolcott lands in England; m. Rev. Charles Chauncy 1698 Fairfield CT.

(4) Hon. Samuel Wolcott, b. 1679 Windsor CT, d. 1709 Windsor CT; graduated from Harvard College in 1698, the  first Wolcott to graduate from college in America; he became the schoolmaster at Windsor, and in 1701 obtained a Masters Degree from Harvard; appointed Capt. of the Windsor militia 1705, elected to the CT General Assembly 1706. Samuel died 4 months after his father and thus was the heir to the Wolcott property in England, which his two sisters, Elizabeth Allyn and Sarah Chauncey later claimed, causing legal disputes with Wolcott relatives over primogenerative laws. There seems to have been no question of any other possible heir, so no legal offsprings of Samuel.

(5?) Samuel Wolcott, b. c. 1703, d. c.1760. Based on DNA test results, and chronological and geographical evidence, it is probable that he was fathered out of wedlock by a grandson of Henry Wolcott III or his brother John. Samuel, above, seems the likeliest possibilitiy, being single, age 24, and in Boston shortly before this birth. There is no records of his baptism in Connecticut or Massachusetts where baptismal records for this period are very complete. However, there was a Samuel Allyn baptized at Windsor 27 Oct. 1703, son of Samuel Allyn.  The only Samuel Allyn at Windsor at this time was born in 1667 and was brother-in-law to Elizabeth Wolcott, Samuel Wolcott's sister and his co-heir to his England property. There is no record of Samuel Allyn's marriage or death. It is possible that his sister-in-law, Elizabeth Wolcott Allyn, had Samuel Wolcott's out-of-wedlock son baptised at Windsor as Samuel Allyn, presumed son of her brother-in-law, Samuel Allyn.

Samuel Wolcott of Charlestown appears to have not questioned his being a Wolcott, using that name when he married in 1725 and on the Charlestown tax rolls from 1729 to 1737. Samuel Wolcott filed intention to marry Bridget Hay at Boston in 1722, but Bridget married another man in 1727 in Boston, still using her maiden name. Samuel was "of Boston" in 1725 when he married Mary "Mercy" Fosdick at Charlestown, who claimed a loss of 200 pounds when the British burned Charlestown in 1775, 2 years after Samuel's death, indicating middle class economic standing.

In a court case dated 1732, Robert Ball of Charlestown, mariner v. Samuel Wilcot, now or late resident of Charlestown, mariner, Ball claimed that in 1729 he had loaned Samuel money 3 pounds 11 shillings that was not repaid. The court found for the plaintiff and Samuel was ordered to pay 33s and court costs. On the reverse of this document is found "Attest 1 Oct. 1732 xxx Samuel Wolcott" and a notation that a bond was given by the defendant, Samuel Wolcutt, sailmaker, of Charlestown, who pled that he had made payment. He had as surety Stephen Ford, blockmaker, of Charlestown. A deposition in this case reads: "Thomas Robenson Mariner of Lawful age Testifieth & Saith that on or about the Year 1729 he the deponent did belong and was Shiped on boord the Sloop Medford whereof Robert Ball was Master in which time this deponent saw Saml Wilcot under the custody of Mr. Joshua Scottow deputy Sherif and that he the said Ball Paid money to release the said Wilcot from going to Gaol the said Wilcot then promising to come to work on board the said Sloop to proceed on a voyage in the said Sloop with him the said Ball and further this deponent saith that the said Saml Willcot came two or three peices of Days and in that space of time went from the said vessel several times as if he did not incline to work and then wholly absented himself and came no more and by what this deponent could learn while the said Wilcot was on board that the said Robert Ball had lent him the said Wilcot more money at sundry other times beside what he paid the Sheriff for his discharge. Samuel Wolcott of Boston m. Mary "Mercy" Fosdick of Charleston 1725 at Charlestown. "Widow Mary Willcott" was living in Charlestown in 1775.

(6) Samuel Wolcott Jr., b. 1727 Charleston MA, d. 1809 Cheshire MA; married Lucy Wright 1750 at Wethersfield CT. In 1751 Lucy's mother, Abigaill Goodrich Wright, sold land at Wethersfield to "my son-in-law Samuel Wolcott ye 2nd of said Wethersfield". The following day Samuel sold the land to Samuel Wolcott, Sr., of Wethersfield (1713-1800) According to Stiles History of Weathersfield, Joseph Webb bought a house and 2 3/4 acres of land at Wethersfield from Maj. Samuel Wolcott in 1752. In the following year he bought from Samuel Wolcott, then of Goshen, Connecticut two and three quarters acres more adjoining for 1,374 pounds, and also a similar quantity of land from Lt. Timothy Wright, the uncle of Lucy. Samuel moved from Lanesboro, Berkshire Co. Massachusetts, to Goshen, CT, about 1753. Lucy Wright may have gone to Goshen CT with her mother, who moved there about 1740.

It is said that Samuel and 12 or 14 other men from Worcester County, Massachusetts, came to Shoreham, Vermont, about 1766 and built a log house in which they lived together as one family, taking turns in housework and cooking and working together at clearing and improving the land which they had jointly purchased. He moved his family to Shoreham, VT, by 1773. Apple trees he planted in 1774 became a nursery, furnishing fruit and trees to the neighborhood. He and his son, Samuel, were privates with Ethan Allen's "Green Mountain Boys", who captured Fort Ticonderoga in 1775. The Wolcott family moved for safety to Cheshire, Massachusetts during the war, and then returned to Shoreham.

An account of the early residents of Shoreham, written by Rev. Josiah Goodhue in 1861 says of him: "In the fall of 1773, Samuel Wolcott from Goshen, Connecticut, settled with his family on the farm now owned and occupied by Deacon Almon Wolcott. He and his son, Samuel, were with Ethan Allen's party at the capture of the fort. Becoming alarmed by a party of Indians that appeared in the vicinity, he and his family fled to Berkshire County, Massachusetts, where they remained until 1783. Then they returned to the farm they had left. He died while on a visit to friends in Massachusetts." "The History of Cheshire" says "Samuel Wolcott Jr. settled on land adjoining the Cream Hill Stock Farm on the south soon after the Revolution and died there." In 1790 his family at Shoreham consisted of 2 males over 16 and 1 female. Samuel died of smallpox while visiting his son, Moses, at Cheshire. In a deed dated 1804, "Jese Wallcutt, Alven Wolcott, & Philemon Wallcutt of Shoreham Vermont, heirs of Samuel Wollcut of said Shoreham deceased, son of Mercy Wallcut formerly of Charlestown, widow, decst.", conveyed rights to land at Charlestown; m. Lucy Wright 1750 Wethersfield CT.

Samuel is said to have come to Shoreham in 1766 without his family, but had 4 kids before he moved his family to Shoreham in 1773. No record has been found of Wolcott births at Goshen and no children of Samuel and Lucy were recorded at Wethersfield.

(7) Samuel Wolcott III, b. 1751 Lanesboro MA, d. 1825, bur. Shoreham. He was with his father at the capture of Ft. Ticonderoga in 1777, at Shoreham 1790-1800, moved to Bridgeport VT c.1815; m. Isabel Blaire 1780 Shoreham VT.

(8) Sarah "Sally" Wolcott, b. 1780 VT, d. 1851 Middletown VT; m. John Sunderland c.1804 Arlington VT.

(8) Riley Wolcott, b. 1782 Shoreham VT, d. 1865 Elizabethtown NY; moved to Bridgeport VT c. 1815, was at Elizabethtown NY 1860; m. Asenath Beech 1807 Middlebury VT.

(9) Sybil Wolcott, b. 1809 Shoreham VT; m. Wait Hatchell c. 1835

(9) Loyal Wolcott, b. 1810 Shoreham VT, d. 1823 Shoreham VT

(9) Luman B. Wolcott, b. 1812 Shoreham VT, d. 1880 Ticonderoga NY, farmer; m. c.1830 Eliza Cook. 1850-80 Ticonderoga NY.

(9) Monford P. Wolcott, b. 1815 Bridport VT, d. Ticonderoga NY, farmer; m. c.1840 Amanda Skinner.

(9) Susan Wolcott, b. 1820 Bridport VT, d. 1877 Elizabethtown NY; m. Calvin Denton.

(9) Loyal E. Wolcott, b. 1829 Bridport VT, d. 1862 Falmouth VA; enlisted at Elizabethtown NY 1861, wounded at Battle of Bull Run and died in hospital at Falmouth.

(8) Samuel Wolcott IV, b. 1784 Shoreham VT, d. 1828 Shoreham VT. He graduated Middleburg College and studied law at Litchfield Law School, practiced law at Shoreham 1821-28 and was school principal 1817. It was said of him: "But the want of steady aim and of self command was fatal to the hopes cherished for him. But for an unfortunate habit into which he was early drawn he might have risen to a position of eminence in political or private life or in the practice of his profession. His career was short and its termination a melancholy one", perhaps indicating alchololism; m. Nancy McCauly c.1820 Shoreham VT.

(8) Olive G. Wolcott, 1790 - 1834 Shoreham VT; m. Asa Sunderland 1813 Shoreham.

(8) Seymour E. Wolcott, b. 1784 Shoreham VT, d. 1850 Little Falls NY; served as Sgt. in 2nd Lt. Arty. in War of 1812, gunner at Battle of Otter Creek 1814, and was at Battles of Beaver Dams, Little York, and Fort George, lived Shoreham until 1830; m. Huldah Kellogg c.1810.

(9) Levi Wolcott, 1810 - 1890 Shoreham; m. Almedia Maria Sandford 1838 Shoreham.

(9) Seymour E. Wolcott, Jr., b. 1812 Shoreham VT, d. 1857 Danube NY; wagon maker at Danube NY 1830-40; m. Delia Van Allen c.1837 Herkimer Co. NY.

(9) Emily A. Wolcott, b. 1816 Shoreham VT, d. 1818 Danube NY.

(9) Eli Wolcott, b. c.1818 Shoreham VT.

(9) Emily T. Wolcott, b. c.1820 Shoreham VT; m. Herkimer Green, farmer, 1845 Danube NY.

(9) Nelson Wolcott, c.1820 - 1864 Shoreham VT; 1842 New York City; m. his cousin Lydia Wolcott 1842 Shoreham VT.

(9) Almedia Wolcott, b. c.1824 VT; m. Henry Smith.

(9) Jeanette Wolcott, b. 1826, d. 1902 German Flatts NY; m. Benjamin Young, a boatman on the Erie Canal, c.1848 Herkimer Co. NY.

(8) Moses Wolcott, b. 1787 Shoreham VT, d. 1843, Crown Point NY; served in Capt. Hand's Co. VT militia in War of 1812, moved from Bridport VT to Crown Point NY c. 1825; m. Mary Ann "Polly" Smith 1810 Shoreham VT, military pension to wife Polly Ann.

(9) Clara Wolcott, b. 1812 Shoreham VT, d. 1886 Nepeskin WI; m. John Townsend 1829 Shoreham VT.

(9) Thurman Wolcott, b. 1813 Shoreham VT, d. 1899 Shoreham VT, blacksmith at Shoreham 1850-80; m. Olive B. Pond 1836 Shoreham VT, m. (2) Jane ____.

(9) Mary Wolcott, b. c.1820; m. Moses Wells, m. (2) Wellington A. Noble 1852.

(9) Myron Wolcott, b.1824 Bridport VT, d. 1910 Saxeville WI; m. Tryphena Sprague c.1844.

(9) Eliza Wolcott, b.1826 Crown Point NY.

(9) Samuel Wolcott, b. 1830 Crown Point NY, d. 1896 Ticonderoga NY, farmer; "Samuel Wolcott who kept house for himself and two little boys, one 7, the other 12 years old, at Street Road, was found dead in his bed yesterday morning"; m. Julia Almira Washburn c.1878.

(9) Olive Wolcott, b. Crown Point NY.

(9) Rhoda Wolcott, b. Crown Point NY, d. 1885 Cokato MN; m. (1) Gardner Ellistrow, m. (2) David Perry.

(7) Jesse Wolcott, b. c.1755 Goshen CT, d. 1835 Shoreham VT. He was a merchant and tavern keeper at Shoreham and had a 50 acre farm there; m. Olive ___ c.1782.

(8) dau. b. 1784 Shoreham VT.

(8) Luther Wolcott, b. c.1786 Shoreham VT, d. c. 1855 Plato IL; at Bridport VT 1820, St. Lawrence Co. NY 1830, Franklin NY 1832, Plato IL 1850; m.(1) Lucy Parmeter 1811, m.(2) Mrs. Lydia Holdridge 1832.

(9) Luther Wolcott Jr., b. 1812 Shoreham VT, d. 1877 Hudson MI, farmer; 1830 Gorham OH, 1839 to Lucas Co. OH, 1850-80 Hudson MI; m. (1) Lucy Jane Hall 1830, m. (2) Fanny Pratt 1842 Gorham OH.

(8) Anna Wolcott, b. c.1790.

(8) Calvin Wolcott, b. 1793 Shoreham VT, d. 1867 Shoreham VT, took over his father's 50 acre farm at Shoreham 1834; m. Sarah Reynolds c.1814. 1820-30 Bridport VT. 1850-60 Shoreham VT.

(9) Lucinda Wolcott, b. 1815 Bridport VT, d. 1887 Shoreham; m. William S. Perry c.1839 Bridport VT.

(9) Levi Reynolds Wolcott, b. 1824 Bridport VT, d. Moriah NY; merchant at Ticonderoga NY 1850; m. Rachel Treadway. 1870-80 Moriah NY.

(9) Lydia Wolcott, b. c.1826 Bridport VT, d. 1907; m. Nelson Wolcott, above, 1824 Shoreham NY.

(9) Edwin P. Wolcott, b. 1828 Bridport VT, d. 1884 Shoreham VT, farmer at Shoreham 1860-80; m. Francelia Abigail Burr c.1858.

(9) Sarah M. Wolcott, b. 1834 Bridport VT, d. 1899 Shoreham VT; m. Joseph M. Towner c.1870 Shoreham VT.

(9) Ellen D. Wolcott, b. 1837 Bridport VT; m. Lyman Garfield.

(8) infant, b. 1798, bur Shoreham VT.

(8) Chester Wolcott, b. c.1802 Shoreham VT.

(8) Levi Wolcott, b. 1810 Brideport VT, d. 1890 Shoreham VT. He was a blacksmith and farmer at Shoreham VT; m. Rachel Treadway c.1841 Shoreham VT.

(9) Lorette R. Wolcott, b. 1843 Shoreham VT; m. George G. Howe 1866 Shoreham VT.

(9) Byron Wolcott, b. 1848 Shoreham VT, d. 1874 Shoreham VT; m. Lovinia A. Conlin.

(7) Mercy Wolcott, b. c.1757 Goshen CT, m. Seth North, m. (2) ____ Gibson.

(7) Moses Wolcott, b. c.1759 Goshen CT, d. 1837 Cheshire MA. "Moses came to Cheshire MA with his father in 1782. He raised 6 children. A soldier in the Revolution, he was in a number of severe battles", served in Capt. Ellis' Co. and marched to the alarm of 19 Apr. 1775, enlisted 1775 in Capt. Richardson's Co., and served in Capt. Robinson's Co. as Sgt., discharged 1780, again in Capt. Robinson's Co. in 1789; others of family returned to Shoreham but Moses stayed in Cheshire where he was a merchant and innkeeper, his store was the first postoffice in 1810 with Noble K. Wolcott as postal clerk; m. (1) Olive Russell 1784 Adams MA, m. (2) Freelove Burton c.1790 Cheshire MA.

(8) Laura Wolcott, b. c.1785; m. John Hall 1806 Cheshire MA.

(8) Noble King Wolcott, b. c.1788 Cheshire MA. He clerked in his father's store in 1810 and appointed Cheshire postmaster 1818; Cheshire town treasurer and selectman in 1820s; was on 1835 pension roll as agent for Joseph Whalen; m. his cousin, Hannah Wolcott. A History of the Town of Cheshire relates: "In 1873 Noble K. Wolcott, who was reared in Cheshire and connected with its business through his early life, died at his home, the homestead of the Wolcotts. This man was always successful in his investments and amassed a large fortune. He married late in life and died without children. He was the last of Moses Wolcott's family. The home fell to Mrs. Noble Wolcott and to Mrs. Fisk, a niece of Mrs. Wolcott and grand-daughter of William Wolcott, whose name is often seen on the town records in early days."

(8) Russell Burton Wolcott, b. 1791 Cheshire MA, d. 1855 Cheshire MA. He was a farmer at Cheshire 1850 and is said to have owned over 1,400 acres of land; m. Sarah Covell c. 1818.

(8) infant, b., d. c,1796.

(8) John Wolcott, b. c.1800 Cheshire MA.

(7) Lucy Wolcott, b. 1762 Goshen CT, d. 1799 Shoreham VT. The DAR chapter at Adrian MI is named for her; m. Stephen Barnum 1780 Lanesboro MA.

(7) Rebecca "Betsey" Wolcott, b. c.1763 Goshen CT, bur. Severance NY; m. Benajah Tyrell c. 1785.

(7) Alvin Wolcott, b. 1765 Goshen CT, d. 1834 Shoreham VT. He was a farmer at Shoreham; he and brother, William, had a tavern there in 1804; m. (1) Lois Turrell, c.1793 Shoreham VT, m. (2) Mrs. Phoebe Smith Mead.

(8) Ariel Wolcott, b. 1790 Shoreham VT, d. 1870 Crown Point NY. He served in the Infantry in War of 1812; moved to Crown Point before 1835; m. (1) Phoebe Denton c.1810, m. (2) Mrs. Sylvia Smith Rowley c. 1833.

(8) Daniel Wolcott, b. 1793 MA, d. 1863 Boone Co. IL. He moved to Boone Co. IL c.1840; m. (1) Lydia Holman 1817 Addison Co. VT, m. (2) Elizabeth Cole 1849 Boone Co. IL.

(8) Rhoda Wolcott; m. William Rowley.

(8) Louisa Wolcott; m. _____ Bailey.

(8) Lucinda Wolcott, b, 1800 Shoreham VT, d. 1853.

(8) Samuel Wolcott, b. 1803 Shoreham VT, d. 1864 Shoreham VT unm.. He was a farmer at Shoreham.

(8) Laura Wolcott, b. 1805 Shoreham VT.

(7) Philemon Wolcott, b. 1768 Goshen CT, d. 1832 Shoreham VT. He took over his father's farm at Shoreham, deacon in Shoreham church; m. Anna Lucy "Amy" Treat 1794 Shoreham VT.

(8) Laura Wolcott b. 1796 Shoreham VT; m. John Barker 1817 Shoreham VT.

(8) Lucy Wolcott, b. 1798 Shoreham VT; m. Levi Rhodes 1847 Shoreham VT.

(8) Hiram Wolcott, b.1800 Shoreham VT. He lived at Woolcott, Orleans Co. VT in 1830.

(8) Almon Wolcott, b. 1802, Shoreham VT, d. 1891 Shoreham VT. He was a farmer; at Shoreham VT; m. Lucy Wells 1834 Greenfield, MA.

(8) Amy Wolcott, b. 1804 Shoreham VT; m. Abner Wells 1829 Shoreham VT.

(8) Oliver Wolcott, b. 1806 Shoreham VT, d. 1828.

(8) Rev. Vernon Wolcott, b.1809 Shoreham VT d. 1847, graduated from Union College in 1835 and was ordained as a Conregational minister at Vergennes, Vermont, in 1838; served a church at Ferrisburgh and Monkton 1837-8, Whitehall 1839-40, Moriah 1840-1, and Brownington 1842-5. His membership was transferred from Shoreham to Moriah, New York in 1840; m. Mary Ann Burnham.

(8) Harriet Wolcott, b. 1814 Shoreham VT; m. Augustus Tatreau 1848 Shoreham VT.

(8) Seraph Wolcott, b. 1817 Shoreham VT; m. Cornelius Palmer 1846 Shoreham.

(7) Susannah Wolcott, b. 1770 Goshen CT, d. 1790 Shoreham VT; m. Zaccheus Barnum 1789 Lanesboro MA.

(7) William Wolcott, b. 1770 Goshen CT, d. 1851 Westfield NY. He was at Cheshire MA in 1801, later a merchant at Shoreham; he and brother Alvin had a tavern there in 1804, constable for Shoreham 1811 and 1819-20, sold his land at Shoreham and moved to Whitehall and lived with son, William; m. Persis Grosvenor 1802 Lanesboro MA.

(8) Dr. William Grosvenor Wolcott, b.1812 Shoreham VT, d. 1866 Whitehall NY. He was a physician at Whitehall NY; m. Harriet Almina Dunham c.1840.

(8) Olive G. Wolcott 1806-1883, m. Squire M. Smith 1835 Shoreham VT.

(8) Hannah Wolcott, b. c.1815 Shoreham VT; m. Noble King Wolcott, her cousin.

(6) Mary "Mercy" Wolcott, b. 1728 Charleston MA, d. y..

(6) Capt. William Wolcott, b. 1730 Charlestown MA, d. 1784 New Haven CT; enlisted in September 1746 in Capt. John Codman's Co. The company was stationed on an island battery in Boston Harbor in August 1746. He is also found on a military roster of 1748, with his home given as Charleston. He was the Captain of a sailing ship, and served in the Revolutionary War. He moved to New Haven, Connectict about 1850. New Haven newspaper - 17 May 1760 "Wm. Wolcott of New Haven, for sale, deer skin and shoe and saddle leather." 23 Aug. 1766: "Wm. Wolcott has W. Ind. rum for sale at his house in New Haven next to P. O.; m. Phebe Alling, widow of Robert Talmadge, 1754 New Haven CT.

(7) Phoebe Wolcott, b. 1755 New Haven CT, d. 1832 New Haven CT; m. Maj. Hanover Barney 1775 New Haven CT.

(7) William Wolcott Jr., b. 1756 New Haven CT, d. 1782 New Haven, in Army during Rev. War, died of small pox.

(7) Eunice Wolcott, b. c.1757 New Haven CT, d. 1759 New Haven CT.

(7) Rebecca Wolcott, b. 1759 New Haven CT, d. 1838 Kinderhook NY; m. Jabez Turner 1778 New Haven CT.

(7) Benajah Wolcott, b. 1762 New Haven CT, d. 1832 Marblehead OH; served as Pvt. in the "Leather Cap" Regt. during Rev. War, and was Lt. in the NY militia after the war, came to Western Reserve OH in 1806 as part of the Firelands Survey Team; built log cabin on Sandusky Bay 1809, moved to Newburg OH during War of 1812, returned to Danbury 1815, applied for military pension 1818; an accomplished violinist he played for many dances and weddings; first lighthouse keeper Marblehead OH 1822-32, his wife, Rachel was the second lighthouse keeper. His home there has been restored and is open to the public; m. (1) Elizabeth Bradley 1793 New Haven CT; m. (2) Rachel Miller 1822 Perkins OH; she was lighthouse keeper at Marblehead after death of Benajah.

(8) Phoebe Wolcott, b. 1796 Catskill NY, d. 1872 Danbury Twp., OH; m. Truman Pettibone 1814 Newburg OH.

(8) Selima Wolcott, b. 1798 Danbury CT, d. 1880 Bloomingville OH; m. John Ramsdell 1816 Huron Co. OH; m. (2) Jacob Ramsdell.

(8) William Benajah or Bradley Wolcott, b. 1804 Danbury CT, d. 1832 Danbury OH of cholera; m. Arvilla Knapp 1830 Huron Co. OH.

(9) Elizabeth R. "Betsy" Wolcott, b. 1822 Danbury OH, d. 1871 Berlin OH; m. George Todd Meeker 1840 Erie Co. OH.

(9) Henry Wilcox Wolcott, b. 1827 Danbury OH, d. 1896 Marblehead OH; fisherman at Ottawa Co. OH in 1860, probably Sgt. William Wolcott in Co. K 100th OH Inf. Regt., and a farmer at Danville OH 1880. His middle name is said to have been William or Wilcox; m. (1) Unknown, said to have been an Indian woman, m. (2) Mary A. Hathaway c.1847 Ottawa Co. OH, m. (3) Elizabeth Hathaway c.1850 Ottawa Co. OH, m. (4) Sophronia Clock Knapp 1852 Danbury Twp. OH.

(7) Timothy Wolcott, b. c.1763 New Haven CT, d. 1767 New Haven CT.

(6) Hephzibah Wolcott, b. 1736 Charlestown MA, d. y.

(6) Hephzibah Wolcott, b.1738 Charlestown MA, m. Aaron Townsend, m. (2) H. Munger 1761.

(6) Mary Wolcott, b. 1742 Charlestown MA.

(3) Hon. John Wolcott, b. 1645 Windsor CT, d. 1712 Windsor CT; settled at Wethersfield where he was a Selectman in 1679; later moved back to Windsor and was elected to the House of Deputies in 1698, his estate valued at 1,300L; m. (1) Mary Chester 1677 Wethersfield CT, m. (2) Hannah Hawley, widow of Josiah Nicholas, 1692 Windsor CT.

(4) John Wolcott Jr. , b. 1677 Windsor CT, d. 1750 South Windsor CT; m. Hannah Newberry 1702 Windsor CT.

(5) Mary Wolcott, b. 1704 South Windsor CT, d. 1706 South Windsor CT, unm..

(5) Hannah Wolcott, b. 1706 South Windsor CT, d. 1760 Windsor CT; m. Uriah Loomis 1737 Windsor CT.

(5) John Wolcott III, b. 1709 South Windsor CT, d. 1773 East Windsor CT; m. Mary Hawley 1735 South Windsor CT.

(6) Mary Wolcott, b. 1736 Windsor CT, d. Windsor CT; m. Abiel Grant c. 1751 Windsor CT; the house Abiel purchased in 1753 from his cousin, Matthew Sadd, still stands in South Windsor and is called the Matthew Sadd House.

(6) Lurana "Laura" Wolcott, b. 1739 Windsor CT, d. 1824 East Windsor CT; m. Jonathan Bement Jr. c.1758 East Windsor CT.

(6) Hopeful Wolcott, b. 1742 Windsor CT, d. 1815 East Windsor CT; m. Nathaniel Drake Jr. 1774 East Windsor CT.

(6) Benjamin Wolcott, b. 1744 Windsor CT, d. 1793 East Windsor CT; m. Abigail Pinney 1764 Windsor CT.

(7) Miriam Wolcott, b. 1766 Windsor CT, d. 1773 East Windsor CT.

(7) Caroline Wolcott, b. 1769 East Windsor CT, d. 1797 East Windsor CT.

(7) Eleanore Wolcott, b. 1770 East Windsor CT, d. 1776 East Windsor CT.

(7) Talcott Wolcott, b. 1772 East Windsor CT, d. 1825 Hartford CT; settled at Hartford CT, petitioned the federal government for relief from a fine imposed for his vessel violating a nonimportation law in 1816, Councilman of Hartford CT 1818, justice of the peace at Hartford CT 1821, one of the organizers of the CT Asylum for the Education of the Deaf and Dumb, Master of the Hartford Masonic Council and one of the founders and chairman of the organizational meeting of the Grand Council of Selected Master Masons of Connecticut in 1819; m. his 2nd cousin Diminis Loomis 1797 East Windsor CT. His widow moved to Garrettsville OH in 1834

(7) Chester Wolcott, b. 1775 East Windsor CT, d. 1842 East Windsor CT; farmer at East Windsor; m. Sarah Harris 1800 East Windsor CT. 

(7) Eleanor Wolcott, b. 1776 East Windsor CT, d. 1798 East Windsor; unm..

(7) Benjamin Wolcott Jr. , b. 1778 East Windsor CT, d. 1850 Rochester NY; moved to Rochester NY prior to 1830, lived at Brighton NY in 1840 and at RochesterNY in 1850; m. (1) Lucy Stoughton 1805 Wethersfield CT, m. (2) Persis Calvin Rockwell 1825 Hartford CT. 

(7) Clarissa Wolcott, b. 1781 East Windsor CT, d. 1799 East Windsor CT.

(7) James Wolcott, b. 1784 East Windsor CT, d. 1816 Sangerfield NY; owned land at Sangerfield NY in 1814; m. Esther Morris 1807 Sangerfield NY. 

(7) John Wolcott, b. 1786 East Windsor CT, d. 1787 East Windsor CT.

(6) Anne Wolcott, b. 1746 East Windsor CT; m. Christopher VanZant.

(5) Anne Wolcott, b. 1711 South Windsor CT, d. 1766 East Windsor CT; m. Nathaniel Bancroft 1732 Windsor CT.

(5) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1716 Windsor CT; m. William Stoughton Jr. 1743 Windsor CT.

(5) Jerusha Wolcott, b. 1719 Windsor CT, d. 1789 East Windsor CT; m. her cousin, Gen. Erastus Wolcott 1746 Windsor CT.

(4) Henry Wolcott, b. 1679 Windsor CT, d. 1680 Windsor CT.

(4) Lt. Charles Wolcott, b. 1681 Windsor CT, d. 1754 Windsor CT; officer in the Windsor militia; m. Elizabeth Hawley 1706 Windsor CT.

(5) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1707 Windsor CT, d. 1728 Windsor CT.

(5) Mary Wolcott, b. 1709 Windsor CT; m. Jonathan North 1730 Farmington CT.

(5) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1712 Windsor CT, d. 1728 Windsor CT.

(5) George Wolcott, b. 1714 Windsor CT, d. 1728 Windsor CT.

(5) Charles Wolcott Jr. , b., d. 1716 Windsor CT.

(5) Benjamin Wolcott, b. 1721, d. 1722 Windsor CT.

(5) Eunice Wolcott, b. 1725 Windsor CT, d. 1750 Windsor CT; m. Hon. Benoni Olcott; d.s.p..

(4) George Wolcott, b. 1683 Windsor CT, d. c. 1718 unm..

(4) Lt. Benjamin Wolcott, b. 1685 Windsor CT, d. c.1730 Tolland, Somerset, England; Lt. in Capt. James Steele's Co., Hartford Co. militia; returned to England to make an unsuccessful claim, based on laws of primogeniture, to the Wolcott property in England which had gone to his female cousins; m. Jane Galhampton 1719 Tolland, England; she was either widow or daughter of Edward Galhampton who m. Joan Wolcott and purchased the home known as Gauldon Manor.

(5) Henry Wolcott, b. 1721 Tolland, Somerset, d.y..

(4) Mary Wolcott, b. c.1687 Windsor CT d. 1746 Windsor CT; m. Hon. John Elliot III 1706 Windsor CT, he graduate of Harvard, Justice of the Peace, judge, member of the House of Deputies 1696 and after.

(3) Samuel Wolcott, b. 1647 Windsor CT, d. 1648 Windsor CT.

(3) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1649 Windsor CT, d. 1698 Salem MA; m. Capt. John Price, a member of the House of Deputies.

(3) Mary Wolcott, b. 1651 Windsor CT, d. 1683 Charlestown MA; m. Hon. James Russell 1679 Windsor CT; he was a judge, Treasurer of the CT Colony, and an Assistant to the Governor from 1680 until his death.

(3) Hannah Wolcott, b. 1653 Windsor CT, d. 1683 Charleston MA.

(3) Hon. Samuel Wolcott, b. 1656 Windsor CT, d. 1695 Wethersfield CT. He was a merchant, settled at Wethersfield, constable there in 1679, representative to the General Court in 1685; in 1681 his Negro servant, Jack, was executed for burning a house down; 1690 taken to court by Hugh Peck who accused his master of beating him, also complained of for beating his Indian servant, Shumackpock. Samuel owned a large piece of land a mile west of Wethersfield where he built a one room house on a hill, his sons built nearby and the hill became known as Wolcott Hill; on the site of Samuel's first house, George Webb built a large home, incorporating Samuel's earlier house into the rear wing; General Washington used Webb's house for his Wethersfield headquarters; his estate valued at 1,137 pounds; m. Judith Appleton 1678 Ipswich MA.

(4) Capt. Samuel Wolcott Jr., b. 1679 Wethersfield CT; d. 1734 Wethersfield CT; lived at Salem MA with his uncle Josiah, then returned to Wethersfield to be an importing merchant, Capt. of the Hartford Co. Dragoons 1705; left an estate of 5,097L; his tombstone has the arms of the Shropshire Walcot family on it; m. Abigail Collins 1706 Wethersfield CT.

(5) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1707 Wethersfield CT, d. 1761 Saybrook CT; m. Capt. Abraham Waterhouse 1724 Wethersfield CT.

(5) Oliver Wolcott, b. 1709 Wethersfield CT, d. 1734 Wethersfield CT, unm..

(5) Samuel Wolcott III, b. 1713 Wethersfield CT, d. 1800 Wethersfield CT; farmer at Wethersfield and built a house on "Wolcott Hill" in 1750; m. (1) Mary Wyatt 1735 Colchester CT, m. (2) Mrs. Sarah Sherman, widow of Gamaliel Boardman, 1759 New Haven CT. 

(6) Maj. Samuel Wolcott IV, b. 1736 Wethersfield CT, d. 1824 Sandisfield MA; received from his father land at Sandisfield 1764 and had a large farm in the Southeast part of the township; Capt. 10th Co. Berkshire Co. militia 1776, ordered to active duty and marched to Highland NY, sent to reinforce Northern Army, Maj. 1784 and present at surrender of Gen. Burgoyne, Representative of Sandisfield to the General Court; m. (1) Prudence Robbins 1762 Newington CT, m. (2) Sarah Boardman 1759 Newington CT, m. (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Hinman Beach 1807. 

(7) Prudence Wolcott, b. 1763 Wethersfield CT, d. 1821; m. John Baxter.

(7) Capt. Samuel Wolcott V, b. 1765 Sandisfield MA, Capt. in the South Sandisfeld militia, farmer and a carpenter; purchased land in Wyoming Co. in the Holland Patent NY in 1813, 1817, and 1819; lived at Sandisfield until after 1830 and was at West Springfield MA in 1850; m. (1) Lucy Wright 1789 Sandisfield MA, m. (2) Rebecca Markham 1806 Sandisfield MA. 

(7) Mary Wolcott, bapt. 1767 Sandisfield MA; m. John Parsons Jr..

(7) Thomas Wolcott, b. 1769 Sandisfield MA, d. 1859 Oakfield NY; moved to Leyden NY before 1800, at Alabama NY in the 1830s; m. Sarah Canfield 1800 Sandisfield MA. 

(7) Abiathar Wolcott, b. 1772 Sandisfield MA, d. 1851 Salisbury CT; farmer, settled at Salisbury CT shortly after 1800; m. Mary Warner 1796 Sandisfield MA.

(7) Capt. William Wolcott, b. 1774 Sandisfield MA; lived next door to his father and inherited his father's farm, was Capt. of the South Sandisfield militia, as a cabinet maker he made the once fashionable "gunboat sleighs"; in 1828 he had a general store at Sandisfield selling food, whiskey, tobacco, tools, etc.; m. (1) Honor Wright 1800 Sandisfield MA, m. (2) Huldah Deming 1805 Sandisfield MA. 

(7) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1781 Sandisfield MA, d. 1869; m. John Chapel 1801 Sandisfield MA.

(6) Oliver Wolcott, b. 1737 Wethersfield, d. 1788. He deeded his land at Sandisfield to his brother, Samuel, three years before he died unm..

(6) Wyatt Wolcott, b. 1739 Wethersfield CT, d. 1821 Austerlitz NY; enlisted 1777 as Pvt. in CT Line and was at the Battle pf Saratoga; was a Sgt. in the Albany Co. NY militia; moved from Spencertown to Hillsdale NY, after 1818 called Austerlitz, about 1782; m. Desire Saxon 1764 Spencertown NY. 

(7) Erastus Wolcott, b. 1767 Wethersfield CT, d. 1849 Kalamazoo Co. MI of "gravel".  He moved to Hubbardtown VT, and then settled at Oakfield NY in 1801, moved from Elba NY to  MI c.1832, Highway Comissioner Pavilion Twp, MI 1837, Township Supervisor 1841. ; m. Sarah Dunham 1800 Hubbardtown VT .

(7) Fanny Wolcott, b. 1768; m. Samuel Osborn 1792 Austerlitz NY.

(7) Samuel H. Wolcott, b. 1769 Spencertown NY, d. 1835 Alabama NY; farmer at Alabama NY 1830 next to his brother, John; m. Elizabeth ____.

(7) Oliver Wolcott, b. 1772 Spencertown NY, d. 1848 Oakfield NY; farmer at Elba NY 1820-30, later farmer and tavern keeper at Oakfield NY; m. Eleanore Warner 1794 Oakfield NY. 

(7) James Wolcott. b. 1775 Spencertown NY, d. 1848 Aurora, Erie Co. NY; moved to Aurora NY about 1800, where he was a farmer; probably the James Wolcott who purchased land in Cattaraugus Co. NY in 1814; m. Hannah Bartlett 1794 East Aurora NY. 

(7) John Saxton Wolcott, b. 1777 Spencertown NY, d. 1838 Elba NY; purchased land in the Holland Patent in 1810, served in the War of 1812 for which he received a military pension; purchased land in Chataugua Co. NY in 1823, moved from Shelby NY to Alabama NY in the 1820s; m. (1)  Mercy Boynton 1800, m. (2) Maria A. Wilford 1826  Elba NY. 

(7) Martin Wolcott, b. 1780 Austerlitz NY, 1796 Austerlitz NY.

(7) Chester Wolcott, b. 1782 Austerlitz NY, d. Alabama NY; moved from Columbia Co. NY to MI about 1825; m. Sylvia Goodrich c.1805.

(7) Rhoda Wolcott, b. 1786 Austerlitz NY; m. David Goodrich.

(6) Mary Wolcott, b. 1741 Wethersfield CT; m. David Mitchell 1761 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Solomon Wolcott, b. 21 June 1743 Wethersfield CT, d. 1811 Oneida Co. NY; farmer, Pvt. in the CT militia, marched to the relief of Boston in the Lexington alarm  and participated in the Battle of Bunker Hill; enlisted 1778 in CT Line, discharged 1779. Solomon Wo. and Solomon Wo. Jr. were both given 100 acre land grants in Muskingum Co. OH in 1802 for military service based on warrants issued in 1796 (Jr.) and 1797; moved from Wethersfield to Oneida Co. NY before 1810; m. his 2nd cousin Sarah Wells c. 1767 Wethersfield CT. 

(7) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1769 Wethersfield CT, d. 1801 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Mary Wolcott, b. c. 1772 Wethersfield CT; m. Samuel Gordon Montague 1793 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Solomon Wolcott Jr. , b. 1775 Wethersfield CT, d. 1796.

(7) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 1776 Wethersfield CT, d. 1852; m. Hosea Blinn 1798 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Roger Wolcott, b. 1778 Wethersfield CT, d 1829 Trenton NY; settled at Newton NY 1803 where he was a farmer and a member of the Unitarian church; m. Mary Adams 1799 Wethersfield CT. 

(7) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT, d. 1856 Trenton NY; m. her cousin, Nathaniel Wolcott Jr. 1803.

(7) Levi Wolcott, b. 1785 Wethersfield CT, farmer; purchased land in Cataraugus Co. NY in March 1812, lived Sunbury OH 1830, Farmington WI 1850; m. Mary Strong c.1828.

(7) Sylvester Wolcott b. 1785 Wethersfield CT, d. 1865 Trenton, Oneida Co. NY.  He bought land at Trenton NY in 1806 and was a farmer there, served in War of 1812, moved to Porter NY in 1840s, was a staunch Presbyterian; m. Jane Robinson Colewell 1809 Floyd NY. 

(6) Chloe Wolcott, b. 1745 Wethersfield CT; m. Lemuel Woodhouse 1771 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Lt. Roger Wolcott, b. 1746, d. 1828 Walpole, NH; carpenter and farmer; settled at Walpole NH 1774; appointed Lt. in 2nd Co., 16th Regt. NH militia 1782 and was present at the surrender of Gen. Burgoyne; m. (1) Mary Slater 1775, m (2) Esther Wilson 1800. 

(7) Mary Wolcott, b. 1801 Walpole NH; m. Ebenezer Willington Jr. 1822 Walpole NH.

(7) Esther Wolcott, b. 1803 Walpole NH; m. Increase Sumner Guild 1824 Walpole NH.

(7) Clarissa Wolcott, b. 1805 Walpole NH; m. Harvey Foster.

(7) Alzina Wolcott, b. 1810 Walpole NH; m. John Eames of Orford NH 1836.

(7) Elisha Wolcott, b. 1829 Walpole NH, d. y..

(7) Elijah Wolcott, b. 1829 Walpole NH, d. y..

(6) Nathaniel Wolcott, b. 1748 Wethersfield CT, d. 1810; had a home on "Wolcott Hill" near his father; m. (1) Dorothy Evans c. 1775; m. (2) Abigail Goodrich 1798 Wethersfield CT. 

(7) Rhoda Wolcott, b. 1776 Wethersfield CT, m. Bernard Smith.

(7) Elizabeth Wolcott b. 1777 Wethersfield CT; m. David Canfield 1800.

(7) Simeon Wolcott, b. 1780 Wethersfield CT, d. 1859 Woodhull NY; carpenter at Trenton NY 1810-20, lived Florence NY 1830, Oneida NY 1840-50; m. (1) ____ Ball c.1803, m. (2) Abigail Webb 1810 Paris NY.

(7) Clarissa Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT, d. 1849 Champion NY; m. William Henry Whitney 1801 Wethersfield NY.

(7) Josiah Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT, d. young.

(7) Nathaniel Wolcott Jr. , b. 1784 Wethersfied CT, d. 1840Trenton NY.  He moved to Trenton NY 1807 where he was a farmer; m. his first cousin, Abigail Wolcott 1803 CT.

(7) Mary Wolcott, b. 1788 Wethersfield CT, d. 1860 Wilna NY; m. Gideon Smith.

(6) William Wolcott, b. 1750 Wethersfield CT, d.y..

(6) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1752 Wethersfield CT; m. (1) Levi Wright 1772 Wethersfield CT,  m. (2) Josiah Goodrich 1779 Wethersfield CT.

(6) William Wolcott, b. 1754 Wethersfield CT, d. 1841 Wethersfield CT.  Enlisted 1776 as Pvt., Chester Wells Co., CT militia, and served in 1777 and 1781; applied for pension 1832, on pension roll 1840 Wethersfield CT, and widow on pension rolls 1843; he was a farmer and resided in home on "Wolcott Hill" built by his grandfather; m. (1) Rebecca Goodrich 1780 Wethersfield CT, m. (2) Huldah Wells 1790 Wethersfield CT. 

(7) William Wolcott Jr. , b. 1781 Wethersfield CT, d. 1866 Pottsville PA.  He moved to Pottsville PA before 1830; m. (1) Clarissa Corey 1821. , m. (2) Maria ____.

(7) Henry Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT, d. 1812 Trenton NY.   He moved to Holland Patent NY and was a member of the Unutarian Church at Trenton in 1805, served as Pvt. in the Detached Militia during War of 1812; pension to wife Rhoda; m. Rhoda Rockwell 1807. 

(7) Oliver Wolcott, b. 1784 Wethersfield CT, d. 1834 Wethersfield CT; m. Sophia Deming 1811. 

(7) Samuel Wolcott, b., d. 1786 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Huldah Wolcott, b. 1791 Wethersfield CT, d. 1865 Wethersfield CT unm..

(7) Horace Wolcott, b. 1793 Wethersfield CT, d. 1881 Wethersfield CT, d. 1881.  He was a farmer at Wethersfield CT, and in 1824 was one of the organizers of the Congregational Church Sunday School and a teacher there until his old age; m. his 3rd cousin Rhoda Robbins 1828 Wethersfield CT.  

(7) Rebecca Wolcott, b. 1795 Wethersfield CT, d. 1800 Wethersfield CT.

(5) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 1715 Wethersfield CT, d. 1763 Canaan CT; m. Jonathan Russell 1730 Wethersfield CT.

(5) Elisha Wolcott, b. 1717 Wethersfield CT, d. 1793 Wethersfield CT.  His father died when he was 18; in 1736 he chose John Stillman as his guardian; he is said to have lived in the house his brother, Samuel, built in 1750; he was a deacon in the Wethersfield church, and in 1790 owned one slave; Rose, black servant of Elisha W. m. Newport, black servant of Elisha Callender at Wethersfield  CT1782; m. Sarah Nott, 1790 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Gershom Wolcott, b. 1748 Wethersfield CT, d. 1782; Pvt. in the CT militia and was at the Battle of Long Island in 1776 , also at Westford and is said to have died while in military service; m. his 2nd cousin, Rhoda Robbins 1774 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Gershom Nott Wolcott, b. 1776 Wethersfield CT, d. 1854 Jordan NY.  He moved from Wethersfield to Rome NY about 1803 and was at Trenton NY 1820-30; was described as "a large man weighing 200 pounds, 6 ft. tall, good natured, and not a professor of religion"; m. (1) Eunice Willard 1798 Wethersfield CT, m. (2) Sarah "Sallie" Woodbridge c.1831.

(7) John Wolcott, b. 1777 Wethersfield CT, d. 1859 Catskill NY.  He was a shoemaker, and miller, made shoes for Revolutionary War soldiers, moved to Catskill NY prior 1800, member of the Episcopal church there 1802; m. 1800 Catherine Shaffer 1800 Catskill NY.

(7) Sarah Waterhouse Wolcott, b. 1779 Wethersfield CT; m. William Hart 1797 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Rhonda Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT, d. 1868 Hartford CT; m. Selah Webster 1802 Catskill NY.

(6) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1751 Wethersfield CT; m. Levi Robbins 1778 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Elisha Wolcott Jr., b. 1755 Wethersfield CT, d. 1827 Wethersfield NY; Pvt. in CT militia from Wethersfield at the Battle of Long Island; made hats for the Continental soldiers in a shed at the rear of his house which was built by his uncle, Samuel Wolcott, in 1750 and still standing in 1976; m. his 2nd cousin, Mary Welles 1775 Wethersfield CT. 

(7) Samuel L. Wolcott, b. 1775 Wethersfield CT, d. 1857 Trenton NY; to Oneida Co. NY c.1800 and was at Holland Patent NY and member of the Oldenbarnveld Christian Church (Unitarian) in 1805 and a member there until his death; Trenton NY 1810-50;  a Samuel L. Wolcott purchased land in Cattaragus Co. NY 1813-19; m. Hannah Butler 1796.

(7) Horatio Gates Wolcott b. 1777 Wethersfield CT, d. 1778 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Mary Wolcott, b. 1779 Wethersfield CT, d. 1842; m. Thomas Griswold 1799 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 1782 Wethersfield CT; m. (1) Asa Sellew 1802 Wethersfield CT, m. (2) Elisha Robinson 1829 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Hannah Wolcott b. 1785 Wethersfield CT, d. 1864; m. William Willard 1804 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Elisha Wolcott III, b. 1787 Wethersfield CT, d. 1862 Wethersfield CT; farmer and had a house on "Wolcott Hill"; m. his 3rd cousin, Mary Wells Robbins 1811 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Daniel M. Wolcott, b. 1790 WethersfieldCT, d. 1859 Wethersfield Springs NY; farmer, purchased land at Orangeville NY 1812 and in Cattaraugus Co. 1812-18; m. Maria Morgan 1809 Wethersfield NY. 

(7) Sarah Nott Wolcott, b. 1793 Wethersfield CT, d. 1847 Wethersfield CT unm..

(7) Chauncey Appleton Wolcott, b. 1795 Wethersfield CT, d. 1853 Wethersfield CT. He was a farmer at Wethersfield; m. (1) Abigail Wells 1829 Wethersfield, m. (2) Sarah ___ 1833 Hartford CT; m. (3) Mary Harris 1844 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Horatio Wolcott, b. 1798  Wethersfield CT, d. 1799 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Franklin Waterhouse Wolcott, b., d. 1800 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 1759 Wethersfield CT, d. 1806 Wethersfield CT; m. Frederick Robbins 1780 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Hannah Wolcott, b. 1762 Lebanon CT, d. 1784 Wethersfield CT.

(5) Rev. Josiah Wolcott, b. 1720 Wethersfield CT, d. 1773 Rocky Hill CT.  His father died when he was 15 and he chose Rev. William Burnham as his guardian, graduated from Yale in 1742, planned to enter the ministry, but was unable due to poor health, built a house at Wethersfield in 1754 which was still standing in 1976; m. Lois Goodrich 1752 Wethersfield CT.

(6) Josiah Wolcott Jr., b. 1755 Wethersfield CT, d. 1838 Farmington Twp. Served as  Sgt. CT Line and was at Battle of Long Island; applied for military pension 1837 at Farmington OH; pension given 1853 to 3rd wife Elizabeth Brown; he purchased 1,000 acres of land in OH in 1806, and that year he and his son, Horace, and his brother, Theodore, came to Trumbull Co. OH where they surveyed the township of Bristol  and received 1,000 acres in payment; they then moved to Farmington Twp. where Theodore's son had begun clearing land; they built a 15 ft, square cabin; Josiah and Theodore then returned to Bristol CT for the rest of their families; his horse died and he had to continue home on foot; he returned with his family and his Higgins step-children.  A Journey To Ohio, by Margaret Van Horn Dwight, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1991, describes her journey in 1810 to Warren OH with Deacon and Mrs. Wolcott and children, Susan and Erastus; built a sawmill and gristmill on the Grand River in 1816 and a town grew up around it; he was a deacon in the Farmington Congregational church; m. (1) Lydia Russell 1779 Rocky Hill CT, m. (2) Mrs. Nancy William Higgins 1806 Bristol CT, d. 13 Oct. 1826 age 38; m. (3) Mrs. Elizabeth Muirhead Brown 1828 Warren OH.

(7) Catherine Wolcott, b. 1780 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1826 Bristol CT; m. Chauncey Hooker 1802 CT.

(7) Daniel Russell Wolcott, b. 1782 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1867 Orwell Twp. OH; moved from Bristol CT to Ashtabula Co. OH about 1812 in a wagon pulled by oxen, built the first frame house in the area in 1820, purchased 476 acres in 1822 which later included the town of Orwell, set up a store and tavern but refused to sell alcoholic beverages, sold his store and moved one mile east and established a farm and fruit orchard; m. (1) Elizabeth Root 1805 Hartford Co. CT; m. (2) Philanda Atwood 1811 East Hampton CT. 1820 Farmington OH. 

(7) Horace Wolcott, b. 1784 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1872 Farmington Twp. OH.  He came with his father to OH in 1806 and built a log house while his father returned home to move his family to OH, he was a farmer in Farmington Twp., elected township treasurer and judge of elections in 1817.; m. Sabrina Tracy 1808 Trumbull Co. OH. 

(7) Susanna Wolcott, b. 1787 Rocky Hill CT; m. Joshua P. Danforth 1811 Farmington Twp. OH.

(7) Mary "Polly"Wolcott, b. 1789 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1808 Farmington Twp. OH. The first person to die in Farmington OH was Mary, commonly called Polly, daughter of Josiah and Lydia Wolcott. On her way west she walked most of the way and fell from a log while crossing a stream, contracted a cold and later tuberculosis. She died 2 Sept. 1808. The spot cleared for her grave is now Hillside Cemetery.

(7) Custer Wolcott, b. c.1791.  He was a pump manufacturer; not found in family records but is mentioned in a letter from his brother, Daniel's, descendant, Marie Alice Wolcott.

(7) Josiah Willis Wolcott, b. 1793  Bristol CT, d. 1859 Farmington OH; came to OH with his family and was a farmer, built a house that was still standing in 1914.; m. (1) Elsa Woodford 1815 Trumbull Co. OH; m. (2) Jane Stewart 1821 Trumbull Co. OH. 

(7) Capt. Erastus Wolcott, b.1795 Bristol CT, d. 1867 Farmington OH; farmer at Farmington Twp., hauled logs for the building of a school in 1816 and the first teacher became his wife, elected Constable of Farmington Twp. and Property Appraiser in 1817, Lt. in the 5th Co., 2nd Regt. Ohio militia in 1821 and Capt. 1825, deacon of the Farmington church 1841-67; m. Elmira Hannas 1820. 

(7) Edmund Pinkney Wolcott, b. 1800 Bristol CT; farmer at Farmington Twp., in 1833 he and his sons opened a store which they operated for about 40 years, moved to Chagrin Falls OH where he was a  merchant, justice of the peace, and a leading member of the Congregational Church; m. Clarissa Bosworth 1829 Trumbull Co. OH. 

(7) Lydia Russell Wolcott, b. 1807 Bristol CT; m. William Elbert Cowles 1827 Ashtabula Co. OH.

(7) Caroline Wolcott, b. 1808 Farmington Twp. OH; m. judge George L. Holmes 1828 Farmington Twp. OH.

(7) Charlotte Wolcott, b. 1812 Farmington Twp. OH; m. William Smith 1836 Farmington Twp. OH.

(7) Nancy Williams Wolcott, b. 1834 OH, d. 1917 Oberlin OH; m. Samuel Squire 1851 Chardon OH.

(6) Susanna Wolcott, b. 1757 Rocky Hill CT; m. Joseph Belden Weed 1779 Newington CT.

(6) Lois Wolcott, b. 1761 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1830Farmington Twp. OH; came to Farmington OH from Worthington CT in 1814; m. David Belden 1779 Newington CT. Her dau. Lois Beldin, b. 1798 m. Josiah Wolcott, below.

(6) Theodore Wolcott, b. 1763 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1837 Farmington OH .  Rev. War service, Pvt. CT militia; moved to Bristol CT by 1790 and then to Farmington CT by 1800; to Farmington Twp. OH 1814, cleared land and built a small frame house about 1820, deacon of the Farmington Congregational Church 1817, and Farmington Township clerk 1817; built an "academy" near his home which was affiliated with the Congregational Church "In early days the Wolcotts, eight in number, came from Hartford CT. They were a true type of cultured eastern people, courteous and polite to everyone on all occasions; they became much respected";  m. Rhoda Goodrich 1784 Wethersfield CT.

(7) Lewis Wolcott, b. 1785 Rocky Hill CT, d. 1868 Farmington Twp. Came to OH on foot in 1805 with David Curtis, stopping for a year in Vienna OH to work, cleared land and began the settlement of Henshaw, later Farmington Twp., he was the first person to be married in Farmington Twp., and his son, Joseph, the second child to be born there; inherited the family farm when his father died; m. (1) Nancy Higgins 1808 Trumbull Co. OH; m. (2) Mary Higgins 1819 Farmington Twp. OH.

(7) Josiah Wolcott, b. 1787 Rocky Hill CT, d. Farmington Twp. OH; farmer at Farmington Twp. OH; m. Lois Belden, his first cousin, 1815 Trumbull Co. OH.

(7) John Wolcott, b. 1790 Wethersfield CT, d. 1792 Wethersfield CT.

(7) John Wolcott, b. 1793 Wethersfield CT, d. of consumption 1850 Trumbull Co. OH; came with his father to Ohio in 1814; m. Fannie Goff 1816 Trumbull Co. OH.

(7) William Wolcott, b. 1795 Wethersfield CT, d. 1826 Parkman OH; farmer at Farmington Twp. OH; m. Persis Bosworth 1818 Portage Co. OH. 

(7) Nancy Wolcott, b. 1797 CT, d. Farmington OH; m. Silas Higgins 1816 Trumbull Co. OH. 

(7) Newton Wolcott, b. 1799 Wethersfield CT, d. 1872 Farmington Twp. OH; farmer at Farmington Twp. OH; m. (1) Harriet Lee 1823 Farmington Twp. OH, m. (2) Cynthia Smith 1843 Ashtabula Co. OH. 

(7) Chester Goodrich Wolcott, b. 1803 Wethersfield CT, d. 1889 Farmington OH; farmer at Wethersfield OH; m. Louisa S. Hudson 1843 Ashtabula Co. OH.

(7) Emily Fatima Wolcott, b. 1809 Farmington Twp. OH, d. KS; m. David Belden Jr. 1829 Farmington Twp. OH.

(7) Susan Wolcott, b. 1811 Farmington Twp. OH; m. Asahel A. Goff 1829 Farmington Twp OH. 

(4) Gershom Wolcott, b. 1680 Wethersfield CT, d. 1682 Wethersfield CT.

(4) Josiah Wolcott, b. 1682 Wethersfield CT, d. 1712 Wethersfield CT.

(4) Hannah Wolcott, b. 1684 Wethersfield CT, d. 1748 CT; m. Rev. William Burnham 1704 Wethersfield CT.

(4) Sarah Wolcott b. 1686 Wethersfield; m. Capt. Robert Wells Jr. 1706 Wethersfield CT.

(4) Lucy Wolcott, b. 1688 Wethersfield CT, d. 1753; m. Samuel Robbins 1712 Wethersfield CT.

(4) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1690 Wethersfield CT, d. 1714.

(4) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1690 Wethersfield CT, d. 1765.

(4) Mary "Mercy" Wolcott, b. 1694 Wethersfield CT, d. 1777; m. John Stillman 1716 Wethersfield CT.

(3) Hon. Josiah Wolcott, b. 1658 Windsor CT, d. 1729 Salem MA; moved to Salem, MA about 1685 and was a merchant there, State Representative 1703, Justice of the Peace, appointed judge of Common Pleas in 1722; m. Penelope Corwin 1685 Salem MA, grandaughter of Governor Edward Winslow (2) Mary Freke 1694. His father-in-law, George Corwin, left a sizeable estate of 6,000 pounds.

(4) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1688 Salem MA, d. 1702 Salem MA.

(4) Josiah Wolcott, b. 1690 Salem MA, d. 1691 Salem MA.

(4) Freke Wolcott, b., d. 1696 Salem MA.

(4) Thomas Wolcott, b., d. 1697 Salem MA.

(4) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 3 Aug. 1698 Salem MA, d. 1721 Salem MA.

(4) Josiah Wolcott, b. , d. 1700 Salem MA.

(4) Hon. John Wolcott, b. 12 1701 Salem MA, d. 1747 Salem MA; graduated from Harvard in 1721 and entered the mercantile business with Col. William Brown, filed claim to Arrowsmith Island ME in 1731 as heir of his grandfather Thomas Clark, was Justice of the Peace,  Sheriff of Salem in 1737-40, and represented Salem in the General Court, owned Scarlett's Warf at Salem, valued at 6,500L; m. Elizabeth Papillion of Boston 1730.

(5) John Wolcott, b. 1731 Salem MA, d. 1731 Salem MA.

(5) Josiah Wolcott, b. 1733 Salem MA, d. 9 Dec. 1796 Oxford MA; guardianship granted to uncle Edward Kitchen 1749, settled on land at Oxford MA bequeathed him by his grandmother; purchased home and the old school where he had a store, appointed justice of the peace; m. Isabella Campbell 13 Feb. 1751 Oxford MA, a relative of Lord Loudon, who dined at his home while visiting America as a representative of the British government; m. (2) Naomi Everden, widow of Samuel Jenison 1793 Oxford MA.

(6) John Wolcott, b. 1752; d. 1825 Oxford MA unm.

(6) Edward Kitchen Wolcott, b. 1754, d. 1815 Brookline MA; settled at Brookline MA where his wife's family lived, was an innkeeper at East Sudbury MA in 1798, and a trader at Watertown in 1800, in 1805 he was back at Brookline; Edward Wolcott was given a land grant at Calais NH; m. Hannah Sewall 1776 Brookline MA. 

(7) Ann Wolcott, b. 1777 Brookline MA, d. 1847 Dorchester MA; m. Phillip Reynolds Ridgway 1801 Boston MA.

(7) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1780 Brookline MA; m. John F. Barber 1809 Brookline MA.

(7) Henry Sewall Wolcott, b. 1782 Brookline, d. y.

(7) Hannah Sewall Wolcott, b. 1785 Brookline MA; m. John Folsom 1814 Brookline MA.

(7) Rebecca Wolcott, b. 1789 Brookline MA, d. 1828 Brookline MA; m. Edward Adams 1810 Boston MA.

(7) Samuel Wolcott, b. 1793 Brookline MA; m. Mary Mitchell 1818 Boston MA.

(6) Thomas Freke Wolcott, b. 1757 Oxford, Worchester Co. MA; Pvt., Capt. Jeremiah Kingsbury's Co., MA militia and in the Continental Army 1777 and 1780.  This or another Thomas Wolcott died at Charleston MA 5 June 1840, age 82, recorded at Cambridge MA, bur. Mt. Auburn Cemetery.

(7) Thomas Wolcott., son of Moriah Shumway, an unmarried woman, b. 1791 Oxford MA, d. 1835 Oxford MA; believed to be natural son of Thomas Freke Wolcott, above, because her brother Jacob Shumway, b. 1742, served in the same military unit as Thomas Freke Wolcott, and she named her son Thomas Wolcott.  DNA sample of one of Thomas' descendants shows his descent from Henry Wolcott, and has a mutated marker also found in the DNA of a descendant of Thomas Freke's brother, Joshua. Thomas was a machinist in a woolen mill;  m. Fanny Andrews of Northbridge 1816 Dudley MA.

(6) Freke Kitchen Wolcott, b. 1759 Oxford MA, d. 1839 Oxford MA; m. Josiah Shumway 1791 Charlton MA.

(6) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1761 Oxford MA, d. 1829 Oxford MA; m.  Capt. Andrew Sigourney 1787 Dudley MA.

(6) Peter Papillion Wolcott, b. 1763 Oxford MA, d.y..

(6) Mary Elizabeth "Polly" Wolcott, b. 1765 Oxford MA, d. 1838 Orford NH; m. John Dana 1793 Boston MA.

(6) William Wolcott, b. 8 May 1767 - 1769 Oxford MA.

(6) Joshua Wolcott, b. 1769 Oxford MA, d. 1842 Orford NH; moved to Orford, New Hampshire about 1806; m. Mary Eames 1799 Oxford MA.

(7) Josiah Eames Wolcott, b. 1800 Oxford MA, d. 18 Oct. 1870 Hudson MA; m. Betsy ____.

(7) Marinda Wolcott, b. 1802 Oxford MA, d. 1803 Oxford MA.

(7) Oliver Campbell Wolcott, b. 1804 Oxford MA, farmer at Wentworth ME in 1850, and at Rochester VT in 1860; m. (1) Hannah Eaton 1832 NH, m. (2) Tamar Merrill 1837 NH. 

(7) Joshua Wolcott Jr., b. 1806 Oxford MA, d. 1848.

(7) Elizabeth  J. "Betsey" Wolcott, b. 1808 Orford NH, d. 1826 Orford NH.

(7) Henry Campbell Wolcott, b. 1809 Orford NH, d. 1828 Orford NH.

(7) Abigail Wolcott, b. 1811 Orford NH, d. 1826 Orford NH.

(7) Edward Kitchen Wolcott, b. 1813 Orford NH; m. Mary Ann Powell 1849 Boston MA. 

(7) Mary Wolcott, b. 1816 Orford NH; m. George Miles.

(7) Persis E. Wolcott, b. 1818 Orford NH, d.y..

(7) Augustus Fairfield Wolcott, b. 1820 Orford NH.

(6) Mehitable Wolcott, b. 1771 Oxford MA, d. 1825 Woolworth ME; m. Phineas Dana 1793 Oxford MA.

(6) Henry Wolcott, b. 1774 Oxford MA.

(4) Elizabeth Wolcott, b. 1705 Salem MA, d. 1716 Salem MA.

(4) Mary Wolcott, b. 1706 Salem MA, d. 1706 Salem MA.

(4) Sarah Wolcott, b. 1708 Salem MA, d. 1720 Salem MA.

(4) Freke Wolcott, b. 1712 Salem MA, d. 1746 Salem MA; m. Hon. Edward Kitchen 1730 Salem MA.

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